
As previously mentioned , this project uses the DRM framework as a guideline for the research. Based on this same methodology, the project was structured in the following manner:

  • Chapter 2 includes the statement of the practical motivation for the project. Following this statement, a literature review is provided. This literature review details the necessary studies across the macro, micro, and systems described above. Finally, a description of the analytical and conceptual approach will be provided.

  • Chapter 3 describes the in-depth methodology. It starts with a description of the data model and dataset. Following this description, the graph model is introduced as a way of relating the data. This chapter concludes by providing an overview of the quantitative analysis and techniques used to achieve it.

  • Chapter 4 presents the results of the application of the methodology to the different dimensions of the dataset. This includes the chronological, macro, micro, and complex system dimension.

  • Chapter 5 develops a discussion of the different topics developed in the previous chapter. This includes an interpretation of the results but also a statement of possible limitations that arise during the analysis. It is worth noting that only relevant results will be discussed.

  • Chapter 6 closes the thesis by providing a statement of the theoretical and practical implications of the research, including connections to the literature review and recommendations for industry and political stakeholders. This chapter ends with considerations about further research.

All of the references used in this thesis are outlined on the same page that they were used, by the addition of a numbered footnote. This project can be read online here or downloaded as a .pdf. All of the code for this project can be consulted in the GitHub repo.

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