
This chapter of the project will focus on creating a discussion and providing the author’s perspectives on the results described in the previous chapter. Before diving into it, it should be noted that not all of the results will be discussed extensively, but only the ones that are related to the research questions.

The chapter contains the following sections:

  • Macro Level Analysis: A discussion and interpretation of the world-level results, including static and dynamic year-to-year analyses.

  • Meso Level Analysis: A discussion and interpretation of the most relevant country-level results.

  • Micro Level Analysis: A discussion and interpretation of the most relevant organisation-level results including important considerations on how organizations interact in relation to their technological capabilities related to biofuels.

  • Complementary Analysis: A discussion of the outcomes of the patent and publications analysis as well as an interpretation of the alternative methodologies used.

Each section will finish with a discussion of limitations.

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